
Here at Rushey Mead Primary School we understand the impact good attendance and punctuality has on our children’s learning and we believe in rewarding good attendance and punctuality to engage and motivate our children.
As a result, we will be introducing some new initiatives to support and celebrate attendance and punctuality so that it remains a high profile in school and with our families.
There will be an Attendance Trophy handed out to one class in the following key stages and celebrated in our celebration assemblies or in class:
- EYFS / KS1 (Reception, Years 1 & 2)
- Lower Key Stage Two (Years 3 & 4)
- Upper Key Stage Two (Years 5 & 6)
The class with the highest percentage will then be crowned Attendance Champions for their key stage at the end of each week.
Also, at the end of each term we will be giving every child who has achieved 100% attendance an opportunity to win a prize! Every child who achieves 100% attendance will have their name put into a prize draw to win a £20.00 gift card to spend with their family.
This means by the end of this week if your child achieved 100% attendance last term, they may come home with a £20.00 gift card!
Good Luck!