Our Learning
All children in Bonsai Class will have an individualised curriculum which meets their individual EHCP Outcomes/targets. Progress towards these will be continually monitored by the DSP staff and the SENCo.
Outcomes/Targets are reviewed three times a year formally, one of which will be the annual EHCP review with parents/carers. At the annual review of the EHCP the child may be set new targets in collaboration with other professionals and parents.
The focus of Bonsai Class is to provide a meaningful and balanced curriculum.
The children in Bonsai Class have access to a variety of tasks and activities to support their individual needs. These activities include;
- English
- Maths
- Phonics
- Reading
- Kimbles
- Music
- Dough Disco
- Attention Autism
- Yoga/Mindfulness
- PE
- Forest Schools
- Cooking
- Art
- Social Communication
Additionally, we also offer differentiated intervention groups which are relevant to the children, including;
- 'Let's Talk' groups
- Fun Time
- Play Interaction
- Intensive Interaction
- Makaton
- Sensory Exploration and play
- Social Communication sessions
- Playground games
- Lego Therapy
- Sensory gardening
- Everyday Essential Skills
All children have a personalised curriculum to meet their individual needs, with their EHCP outcomes at the heart of all of the activities that are being delivered. We currently use the Autism Education Tracker to assess and track the children’s progress. These targets are monitored regularly by staff working with your child.
Please find below an example of our weekly timetable for our whole class sessions.
Please find below our Long Term Plan for the current academic year.