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“The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life” Dalai Lama


In our PSHE lessons we want our children to learn that they live in a democratic world and they are an active participant and they have the power and resilience to bring about change and ensure that other children and young people are being heard.

We will teach them about the law and British Values, to stay educated and informed, be involved in the process of democracy, and act in the best interests of others.

Our aim is to share different beliefs so that no one person speaks for all, but rather everyone speaks for themselves and others to ensure an effective democracy is in place.

We will encourage them to treat others with kindness and respect though our No Outsiders curriculum.

We endeavour to encourage our children to learn about all aspects of their own and others personal, social and emotional development. So that they will be well-rounded individuals.


At our school, relationships education teaches our children a wealth of information about healthy relationships, including how to communicate their own boundaries and recognise the boundaries of others, staying safe online, and the differences between appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe contact. We encourage the teaching of different family models and same-sex relationships, this is taught via No Outsiders, PSHE and RSE.

We teach the children about puberty and all this entails, including menstruation. Combined with our PSHE curriculum, we teach the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing. Teachers show our children the importance of mental wellbeing and its essential role in our daily life, in the same way that physical health is important.

Our children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and they need to know how to be safe and healthy.

With our combination of PSHE, No Outsiders and RSE we aim to help them embrace challenges right through to adult life.

Subject Leadership Team

Our PHSE, RSE and No Outsiders subject leaders are

Mrs K Sheerin

Mrs A Townsend

PSHE Gallery








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