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Pupil Leaders

At Rushey Mead, we think it is extremely important to give our pupils a voice, responsibility and a chance to pursue passions. As a result of this, we have established a number of groups of pupil leaders who are ambassadors for a variety of different areas across the school. Some of the groups are selected based on their exemplary role modelling throughout their time at Rushey Mead, others offer their skills and passions to drive initiatives in school.

Head Girl, Head Boy and the Prefects

The Year 6 prefect group is made up of a head boy and head girl and 10 prefects with 4 four representatives from each class.  They are a positive role model in all aspects of school life, including behaviour and a commitment to work hard. When required, they show visitors around school and escort parents from the office to the hall for class assemblies. At lunchtimes, they take responsibility for ensuring the Key stage 2 library is welcoming and books are returned to the correct place and they also support in the hall. The prefects encourage and motivate fellow pupils to uphold all the school values. They are willing to take on extra responsibility and able to work independently.

School Council

Our School Council is a group of pupils who represent their Key stage 2 class and meets fortnightly.  The School Council ensures that pupils have a voice and are involved in important decisions about the school that affect them.  The School Council benefits the whole school as it gives pupils a chance to express their views, ideas, interests and concerns on a variety of matters to staff.  They plan and deliver activities that help fellow pupils and promote the school which helps to develop confidence and communication skills.


Eco Warriors

Our team of dedicated, environment conscious Eco-Warriors ensure all recycling from within the school goes into the big recycling bins. They work in teams to ensure everyone in school is doing their best to recycle. The team attend an annual Roadshow event to increase their awareness of current trends and ideas which inspire them to carry out various campaigns in school, such as: energy saving, reducing plastic, increasing biodiversity as well as other worthwhile initiatives. The school appreciates the hard work and dedication of the Eco-Warriors and recognises their efforts, they even get toast and ice lollies (in the summer) as a thank you!

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Sports Ambassadors

The Sports Ambassadors aim to spread a love of sport and physical activity throughout school. They hope to achieve this by leading lunchtime activities which provide children with the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports. Furthermore, the Sports Ambassadors lead virtual challenges where pupils compete with children from other schools citywide.  As a team, they build on the key school character traits of kindness, respect and resilience and encourage all pupils to take part as they truly believe that every child can find a sport or physical activity they love! They hope spreading a love of sport and physical activity will help their friends, classmates and fellow pupils live an active and happy life in the future.


Well-being Ambassadors

The role of the well-being ambassador is to:

To promote happiness and peace throughout school

To welcome new children to our school

To be kind, caring and helpful towards others

To always treat others as they would like to be treated

To support other children if they feel lonely or upset

To follow and promote the 5 Ways to Well-being to their peers

To support their peers at lunchtimes who might be upset or unwell

To attend regular meetings with Mrs Sheerin and Miss Jackson to talk about well-being at our school

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Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leaders have an important role in school as they support their classes and teachers in protecting themselves online. They also help test and model correct usage of devices and technology whilst working together to ensure that everyone is able to use technology safely both online and offline.